RFQ - 2024-2026 General Civil Engineering Design for Non-Federal Aid Projects - 2024059


Bidding Closed

Bid Date 3/11/24 1:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Spokane Engineering Dept.
Jonathan Adams  
(509) 625-6700


Spokane, WA

This site is for the “General Public” to review projects currently out to bid. If you are a Bidder {Prime, Sub or a Supplier} click “Bidders Access” for the portal for Bidders.

The City of Spokane, through its Department of Engineering Services (hereinafter “City”) is initiating this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to solicit Proposals from Firms with expertise in civil engineering design.

This will be an on-call type contract for up to $1,000,000. There is no guaranteed minimum amount of work that will be directed to the consultant as a result of the contract that will be awarded pursuant to this RFQ. The City may select two consultants as a result of this RFQ.