RFQ - Garland Avenue Pathway - Shaw Middle School Design for Federal Aid - 2021084
The scope of services will include the design of a 10’ – 12’ pathway near Shaw Middle School on the north side of Garland Avenue between Cook Street & Market Street and the west side of Regal Street from Garland Avenue to approximately 400’ north. This project needs to be to 90% design by November 1, 2022 and advertise in early December for early 2023 construction.
Bidding Closed
Bid Date | 6/7/22 1:00pm |
Company & Contacts
City of Spokane Engineering Dept.
Dan Buller dbuller@spokanecity.org
(509) 625-6391
Spokane, WA
This site is for the “General Public”. If you are a Bidder, Sub-bidder or a Supplier, go back to City of Spokane Plan Room and choose the “Bidders Access” option
If you add yourself to the plan holders list you WILL NOT be notified of changes to this project.